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Reliable Online Shops in Cameroon

The world is migrating everything online from markets to payments, while the western world already have well structured platforms like amazon etc, it's a struggle and way too expensive to get them to deliver in Cameroon. The good news is we have a few companies trying hard to put in place similar companies locally. It's a struggle to have things like this work around here mainly because our society lacks structure like postal services but we are not going to talk about it here.

Anywhere, Here are a few I've tried, even though they are expensive, I've used them and they work.

Glotelho - They are located in Douala. They have a fast customers service. They don't accept E-payments but once you make an order, their agents call to confirm your order and you pay on delivery (in less than a day in Douala in my experience)

PS. This list is not complete. We still on the look out.